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 Register for the NEW QuizStar!

QuizStar Registration

QuizStar is a Free Web-based program for K-12 educators only

Fill in the form to create your personal QuizStar profile. This allows you to use QuizStar to make and manage classes and quizzes.

Required Information
First name: At least one character
Last name: At least one character
Username: Use this to login to QuizStar.
Must be at least three characters.
Create Password: Something unique you will not forget and that other people don't know to use.
Re-type Password:
Email: QuizStar correspondence and quiz results are sent to this.
Institution: Your school/institution.
Zip Code: (only 5 digits) Use 99999 if outside US
Security Question: You will be asked this if you forget your password and need to reset it.
Question Answer:
I am a U.S. based K-12 educator: Yes   No QuizStar is Free for U.S. based K-12 educators only
Optional Information ( to be viewed by students)
Displayed Name: Name seen by students while registering for your classes.
Last name: At least one character
Any information you want students to know about yourself.
Display Email address to students. Check if you want students to be able to send you messages. Remove check by clicking on it if you do not.
Home page URL: A school page or home page that students can visit for additional information.
When I click Register, I agree to the Terms of Use of QuizStar and I accept QuizStar's Privacy Policy. I also understand that if I do not agree to these terms of use, I should click Cancel, discontinue my registration,and refrain from using QuizStar.