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Create Online Quizzes and Organize Results
QuizStar is a service provided by ALTEC (Advanced Learning Technologies in Education Consortia)
at the Center for Research on Learning, The University of Kansas. We are pleased to present
it to the educational community to improve learning through the integration of technology
into instruction.
As such we rely on the community to use the resources as intended. Inappropriate
use of QuizStar will place an unreasonable burden on all who find it useful.
Please help us keep it available.
All information collected for use on the QuizStar site is kept confidential.
No information is sold, traded, or distributed to other agencies or organizations.
To register for QuizStar users must provide certain personally identifiable
and general demographic information. During the registration process,
you agree to: (a) provide accurate, current and complete information
as prompted (the "Instructor Profiler" or "Student Profile"), and
(b) maintain and update your User Information in order to keep it accurate,
current and complete. If ALTEC learns or suspects any of your User Information
is not accurate, current or complete, ALTEC reserves the right to suspend access
to or terminate your account, immediately and without notice, and to refuse any
future use of QuizStar.
Information provided by a user will not be sold or contracted for solicitations.
Users must provide their email address in order to activate their user account,
but may choose to keep this information hidden from view of other users. Personal
information and images are submitted at the user's own risk. Please do not provide
information that discloses your personal address or other pertinent information
that may be used to harm you.
The personal information available at QuizStar include instructor name,
email address, zip code, institution name, and course names, available
through a search on the Student Site portion of QuizStar. Student name
and user name can be accessed on the Instructor Site only through a secure
login process designed to protect student identity and contact information.
Use of Cookies
Cookies are used to track your location in this site, but no records of
individual site use or browsing preference are stored. No information is
extracted from your computer unless it relates directly to the use of this