Tutorial Overview
1. Create your profile
Set up your profile and view your page for students.
2. Create a class
Learn to create, edit and delete a class.
3. Create a quiz
Learn to create, edit and delete a quiz.
4. Assign quizzes
Assign or unassign quizzes and change active dates.
5. Register students
Your or your students can set up registration for your class.
6. View reports
See how to manage your quiz data with the reports.
Create your profile
Set up your profile and view your page for students.

Sign up
To create your profile, click the Sign up now arrow on the instructor login page. This link will take you to a form for you to fill in your personal information.
Profile form
This form asks you to enter your name and to create a unique user name and password that you will use to access all of QuizStar's features.
Instructor information
At the bottom of the profile form is a section for optional information that will be displayed to students when they search for your class to register. You are not required to fill this out but it is helpful for students if they encounter several courses that may be similar.
Edit profile
From any page in QuizStar you may access your profile from the header next to your name. Simply click on the link that says Profile to go to a screen with your information.
Profile page
This page displays your personal information in your QuizStar profile. If you wish to change any of the content shown, simply click on the Edit button and make the changes. Click Save
when you are finished.